Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Car Crash Hearts

In issue #2, TIS brings you Car Crash Heart in the music-interview column.

The name Car Crash Hearts is a tribute to the band, Fall Out Boy that made this band happened. The reason they picked the name is that it showcase their emotions and true self, whether people like it or not.

More than a year together, they found each other thru Facebook. It was a pretty experience recalled Alda, the bassist, "It was just that one fine day I decided to look for band mates, so I decided to put it on my Facebook status. And it was so funny that so happen the current line of the band was the ONLY people who replied! Haha..".

Within a couple of jam sessions, and with the strong chemsitry, they wrote their first song on the first jam itself. "Its like really awesome la the chemistry we have here. We're just random people, we've never met prior to this, and I think it's kinda unique that the band started out like this. It's the power of the internet la I tell you", says Collin, the band's vocalist.

In general, the band defines their music as power pop, but there's some rock element, part of punk. But they're willing to experiment and try to get each other's influences instilled to the band and that they are willing to try. "In general, we are very diplomatic, we're not Hitler kind yet la. Haha.. So we all have our say in the band and we're all equal la". They are in the midst of shooting their video clip now. You could check out their updates on these sites.

Website :
Facebook : Car Crash Hearts
Email :

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